Regardless of what matthews says, he is probably more of an insider than any of us. I think i would be a mistake to claim that gwb is the braintrust of the current administration. The man has admitted that he doesn't read the paper or watch the news. That means he gets all of his info from his advisors. How hard would it be to manipulate him if you were his sole source of info on a certain subject? how much sway does cheney have with bush? Probably a whole helluva lot. He coasted through harvard and yale and failed at (i think) every business venture that he ever tried aside from the baseball team. He has never had to work a day in his life, atleast not "work" in the sense that you or i work. If he wasn't born as his father's son i am certain he would be sitting at some bar in probably new england watching espn 2 and talking with his fellow poor blue collar coworkers. I find a scenario where gwb is the easily manipulated figurehead to be quite plausible.
Last edited by filtherton; 11-03-2003 at 04:53 PM..