Originally posted by GSRIDER
It's not an instant change. The "manufacture" was on a local show this morning talking about the product. The lights will go through a standard yellow to red before you get a green. So causing accidents may not be a factor.
Fuckin up traffic however will.
This is a CROCK!
(not exactly the same as these, but pretty similar)
The lights turn "almost" instantly - at least on some systems out there... I know from personal experience. In Syracuse the fire trucks have these strobes on them that change all their lights green. I was waiting at a red light and there was a fire truck behind me, not on a call - probably just went out for donuts - no lights on, no siren, etc. I notice some odd, little strobe going on it's roof. I wondered what it was. I decided that maybe he wanted to get by, so I decided to pull over after the light turned green. So, while I'm looking in RV mirror, I notice light changes green and since I'm distracted, I don't look left/right like I always do, I just go forward. SCREEEEECH!!!.... BOOOOOM!!! I get T-Boned by an old delta 88. If I hadn't been in a 4wd pickup then I would have been badly injured. Thankfully, the impact went just under me, since I was up high. The woman swore up and down that her light was green when she entered the intersection and that it must have either changed very quickly or not changed at all. BTW, my light being green didn't convict her of anything, you need to prove that her's wasn't green. The firemen didn't say anything. They knew what had happened. I didn't figure it out until months and months later. Those guys suck. These devices could wreak HAVOK on the roadways. They should be universally illegal and the owners and manuf. should have to pay millions of dollars to all the people that will be killed and maimed because of them. I don't even think emerg. vehicles should have them - as you could have guessed.