I think you'd really have to stretch the imagination of some judges to get this opinion. The Constituion protects the "Freedoms" - what those are have absolutely nothing to do with the Constitution but with whatever the Supreme Courts chooses to interpret them as today - subject to change tomorrow. The ACLU has chosen to push issues that go even beyond extreme liberalism and so long as their are courts willing to rule in their favor they will keep expanding the envelope. Somewhere in the past - perhaps at the time the Supreme Court gave themselves the sole right to interpret the Constitution - and that's how they got it - they gave it to themselves, common sense began tro go out the window. We are rapidly trasmorming ourselves into a society that stands for nothing - and you have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
You're right, i probably should have said, "By the current standards of interpretation the klan and nambla are protected". Still not the fault of the aclu.
I think the whole notion that they are pedophiles is relevant. The organisation might not violate any laws, but its members are a different story. Like FEL said any group that is trying to justify homosexual VIOLATION of MINORS should not be allowed.
Neo nazi movements advocate the destruction of entire races, and i think your average neonazi is as likely to commit a hate crime as a nambla member is to molest children- that is the point of their respective organizations. Kill or otherwise eliminate nonwhites, molest children.
The message is irrelevant because free speech should be applied to everybody, regardless of the message. Since some people have a hard time seeing the difference between homosexuality and bestiality and incest, who is to say that we shouldn't also put PFLAG in the same catergory as nambla. Who decides what is unacceptable?
It is interesting to note your use of the adjective "homosexual". I know you probably weren't trying to imply that heterosexual violation of minors is acceptable, so why the modifier?