Originally posted by raeanna74
I find it interesting that the point of these women is to show that breasts should not be thought of as purely a sexual object and yet most of the posts here are written with a sexual undertone regarding the appearance of breasts.
Yes! That... bothered me.
My girlfriend and I were talking about this a couple weeks ago. She opined that the fact that women couldn't be topless in public was a form of gender discrimination. That didn't make sense to me at first, but then I thought about it and I really do think it illuminates an unfair double standard.
I think that a woman who goes topless is probably going to be harassed by other people. That's just the way our fucked-up society is, and I see no easy solution to it. However, I completely agree with the Brevard County women when they say that the LAW is unfair: it shouldn't be obscene for women but not men to be topless.