Originally posted by KnifeMissle
saltfish, I'm glad to see your reponse. It was never my intention to offend you, I just couldn't let misinformation go uncorrected.
You don't have to be perfectly sure, you just need to be moderately sure or state that you're unsure and what you are saying is your own conjecture.
I think he was being a bit sarcastic there Knifemissle... I am suprised he was so kind in his response to your very patronising words.
It is my belief that it is more or less a given that what we post is information to the best of our own personal knowledge. I do agree with you on the point that we should take the time to correct what we believe to be misinformation. Take for example, your own post...
Originally posted by KnifeMissle
cliche is right. If you were travelling at the speed of light, time would, indeed, not move at all, for you, relative to us.
However, not only is it impossible to accelerate a mass to light speed, but it seems that anything that does travel at light speed (like light!) can only travel at that speed, no faster nor slower!
Your point may be valid in a vacuum, but light does travel slower in air, glass, water, or any other medium besides a perfect vacuum.
To get back to the origional question; yes Gun it is a matter of relativity. From our frame light took eight minutes to get to us from the sun, but in the photons frame no time has passed.