Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
I assume that are are using this "Blow-U" in the context of Blow Out! And as you say - if you want to see football come to Texas! And watch all of the very best of the Texas players kick the shit out of all the teams with Texas in their names - and Dude - If you haven't figured out by now which team all of the best of the Texas players plays for check out OU's roster - If any of the Texas teams were good enough to keep their best players at home and on the south side of the Red, they might be winning - instead of having their collective asses handed to them in a basket.
half the OU roster is from texas. and no, the OU players have just been coached well. the best in texas stay in texas. "blow"-U gets the left overs.
OU's 2nd string qb was a "leftover" after vince young came to texas. last year, all the texas' (the college) recruits were from texas. trust me, we get good recruits, but we just havent done anything extraordinary 'bout 'em.