Torn between moving out and living at home
I'm having a hard time making up my mind at the moment. Right now I'm in the process of signing my lease for my apartment and started thinking seriously about it. It's a matter of saving money versus my sanity, freedom, and improving my social life. So I made a pros and cons list. Tell me what you think:
Moving Out
-Freedom, independence
-No rules but my own
-Social life, hang out more with friends, meet more people
-Go wherever I want
-Sleep whenever I want
-Don't have to go to church
-Rent, utilities, car insurance, student loans
-Won't save as much money as living at home
-Have to buy and cook my own food
-Smaller living space
Living at home
-Rent for parents covers everything, supposedly is going to be put away for me when I need it later
-Larger living space
-Don't have to pay for car insurance
-Don't always have to cook my own food
-Save a little bit more money than living on my own
-Dealing with my parents and follow their rules
-Can't go to sleep whenever I want
-Always have to ask whenever I want to go somewhere
-Isolated, very little social life, potential of meeting new people decreased
-Forced to go to church and listen to the crazies
-Student loans
Never date anyone who doesn't make your dick hard.
Last edited by Jesus Pimp; 11-02-2003 at 07:14 PM..