I don't think it is ever ok to beat or spank a little kid. I have a (just turned) 3 year old and a 5 year old. First, I think for the most part, very little kids do not respond to "negative reinforcement", which spanking qualifies as. No, I'm not some theoritical, P.C. idiot - I've studied graduate level "psychology of learning" at one of the top 2 psych schools in the country - but more importantly, I have just done a decent amount of research (reading good books) on how to raise kids. Real books - not pop sci. crap. I have no reason to believe that spanking is a valid method. It is pretty much illegal anyway, so why even debate or consider it. Do you want to go to jail or lose your kid? All it does is traumatize the kid. If I saw someone "beating" a kid I would consider calling the police. I would not get involved personally or say anything unless I thought the kid was actually being hurt or in danger.