LOL, I wouldn t describr El Duce a funny drunk guy.
He was one sick disturbed mean pediphoile mother fucker.
And the Mentors were pretty bad ass.
But It is always possible that she arranged his death, I mean even her own dad wouldn t put it past her.
But then there is always one theory that is always discredited but possible who true,
because who the fuck really could know.
Kurt Cobain said he didn t want to be famous anymore and well, It is always possible that instead of killing himself he just stepped away from the game.
I mean instead of us wondering if he killed himself or faked it, everyone is wondering if he killed himself or was killed.
I wouldn t be surprised if every five years or so a new song or 2 surfaces.
But hell it could have been worse it could have been one of us who knocked them selves off or got murdered.