I have found no real difference in leaving my system on or off.
The key is to turn the monitor off. (that's what uses the most energy)
The gas/electricity thing balances out in dealing with the outside.
Electricity goes up in the summer, Gas goes up in the winter.
Use the fall or spring rates as a baseline during moderate weather.
Turn off lights unless you're using them. (but keeping one 60 watt bulb isn't going to hurt)
You'll find that you'll cook more in the winter, so it depends on if you have a gas or electric stove.
I'd say remember these utilities (baseline for one person in a small 2 br apt., not adjusted for season)
Electricity - 30
Gas - 30
Phone - 50
Water - 5
Cable - 30
Trash - 5
Of course, these all vary according to usage, and what you have, plans, etc.
But remember this - NOTHING is for free.