people still believe in freud's theories today because of the way ideas pick up and become accepted in time. his theories might have been a little wacky, but he couldn't have found the best time to get them out as he did in the 20's. at a time when society was pretty conservative towards sex, his ideas came off as taboo and pretty radical. this stirred the pot, and got people thinking a little outside the box. in my opinion, freud just had a lot of problems of his own that he shared to the world by his theories. it's hard not to personalize a construct. while the oedipus complex, phallic dream symbols, penis envy, etc. shouldn't be taken too seriously, it should be considered for psychology as a whole. you can't understand psychology without knowing it's history, and thus knowing of frued.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin