Tweaking college OT rules
Each team has one attempt per overtime.
Coin toss winner selects offense, defense, or end of field.
First team on offense has the ball 1st and Goal on the 20. If the first team scores a touchdown on the first play they are awarded 9 points, 8 on the second, 7 on the third, and 6 on the fourth. They have the option on kicking a field goal at any point, if they so desire. There are no conversions.
Second team on offense has to exceed the first team's point total to win or match to continue into another overtime.
Hypothetical: Alpha and Bravo tied at the end of regulation. Bravo wins the toss and elects offense. Bravo scores a touchdown on third down, earning 7 points. If Alpha scores on first or second down, they win. If they score on third down, another overtime is played. If they fail to score, they lose.
I think this would make for a MUCH shorter overtime process.
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