cd burning software
I recently bought some 870mb/99min and 800mb/90min cdrs (demo pack, 5 of each for a total of $13 w/shipping) off an website. the site clearly stated that they WONT work with Nero, and they are correct. Nero (v 5.5) will not recognize them as anything more than 700mb discs.
so, I tried downloading a couple fo the recommended progs that were supposed to work (Discjuggler and CDRwin) but had trouble with them. Discjuggler didnt recognize them as any bigger than 700mb either, and CDRwin kept locking up my comp.
so, any ideas what software will work? is there a workaround for Nero? Id like to continue to use Nero if possible as I like the prog, very simple to use, good interface.
a guy I know at work uses Roxio sometimes. anyone like that prog? will it recognize 800+mb discs?
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank mice elf...agin...