Analog, to clear you up on the age of her ex, he's my age - 19. And in all honesty, if I asked this guy to spell "carpenter's assistant," he wouldn't spell it right. You would just have to know this person.. and as far as her, she will be valedictorian for her class when she graduates. The maturity and IQ level of these two people are so far apart, they can't even hold a decent conversation with each other anymore.
But anyway, judging by some of the replies to this thread, I'm doing things all wrong anyway. Judging by some of the replies here, I'm wrong for comparing herself to her ex. Sorry for that, I just tend to try and make sure that I'm making the most of myself and not throwing my life away. Unfortunately, one way of making sure I'm making the most of myself is comparing myself to my peers, as poor mannered as that may be. Also judging by some of these replies, some people seem to think I should just fuck her and/or leave her, that way I know this shit won't happen again and perhaps these posters think I'll be getting my "revenge" and some pussy at the same time. Once again I'm sorry, that's just not my style of doing things. We may not work out, but I don't want to end it like that. I do actually care for this person even after all that's gone on. For the posters that in fact gave me advice at what they thought I should do, thank you for that. I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know how you feel about my situation.
For now we're still together and hope things do work out for us, but if we do have to be apart, it will be done gracefully, because I don't want either of us to have to go through any more than what we already have.