Originally posted by seretogis
My concern, and the reason for this thread to begin with, is that any programming-related posts in Tilted Computers are drowned out by the swamp of tech questions, virus alerts, and hardware-related comments in Tilted Computers. Programming discussion is really quite different than general computer discussion, and to group them together is akin to merging Tilted Motors and Tilted Traveling.
Well, the way I see it, programming (to be broad here) is very difficult to discuss and help with, unless people have LARGE amounts of experience, or unless the questions are quite simple or general.
For example, I could discuss a solution to a particular problem with <x> app, but if one doesn't know the API of the toolkit used then it's quite difficult to help.
And the languages people know are quite widely varying in style: C, assembly (take your pick), lisp, haskell, Java, python, Visual Basic, etc.
As of yet, TFP does not really have that many active members (I think maybe 3,000 or 4,000? who post at least once a week), and only a small percentage of that number knows some amount of programming. After all, this is a forum about Life.
It's also an interest thing. Do many of you care to discuss proper programming? Techniques to improve programming style? Do you have time to figure out someone else's obscure problem?
I think the fact that ~27 people, at this point, have noticed and quipped something in this thread, is a real indicator of how many people might actually attend to the proposed Tilted Programming forum.
Maybe at some point in the future it'd be worthwhile. That's my take on it.