A rule is useless -- and even has a negative effect on the seriousness of other rules -- if it is not enforced. For instance, pretty much everyone knows that the Ladies Lounge is off limits to us guys. I will never post there, because I know that the rule is enforced. Make a rule, enforce it, and make an example of those who have broken it, and you will see a lot more people a) realizing that the rule exists, and b) knowing that you're not just joking around by setting rules.
As for your in-the-classroom examples, all are things that I was never allowed to do in High School, and admit that I have done a few times. Why? The rules were rarely enforced. Make sure the rules are clearly stated (a sign on the door?) and then start strictly enforcing them. If they don't follow the rules elsewhere, they will at least learn to start doing so in your classroom.
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames