A lot of times rules are just made without our interests at heart (like taxation on things passed down to us through a will.. what kind of shit is that), and are more or less for the benefit of someone else-- of course that isn't exactly what goes on with the rules of the TFP (subject to debate) but you definately can't expect people to blindly follow rules, they have to have good reason to do so, and you have to realize we are plagued by pseudo-intellectualism and false reasoning every day, so we might end up following rules for what only seem to be good reasons. We might end up breaking the rules for what seem to be good reasons just as equally.
Sometimes, rules that nobody follow are just there so that someone has some reason to persecute (prosecute?) someone else.
Imagine I tell you that you can't eat toast bread anymore because.. say.. burnt toast increases your risk of cancer due to carcenogenic content (or make your own rule here that isn't this ridiculous), and everybody eats toast anyway, and this I've only made up this rule so that I have something to hold against you if you do something I don't like.
So ishn't dat veird?