Hi Plan9 & rest,
Here's an update. I met up with the chick I like (Nina) at a mutual friend's halloween party last night. Things started out with her giving PLENTY of hints (she wore a "fcuk safely" shirt, told me it was to encourage people to use condoms, she kept mentioning sex, she gave me a really close frontal hug (rubbin her tits up against me) when she first got there, wanted me to sit right next to her on a very small chair, wanted to look through photos while pressing up against me, etc. However, in recollection, I made one CRITICAL mistake. Without knowing it, I had gotten one-itess. Sure, I was flirting with girls everywhere earlier in the night, but once she arrived at the party, i started sweating, I became nervous, my thoughts escaped me, I couldn't even think of ways to portray myself as busy when she asked what I had done earlier in the day. In other words, I could have had her that night, but I had anticipated things so much that I lost control of the situation. She ended up leaving early, didn't even say goodbye. However, not all is a lost. It's amazing how well I did with everybody else at the party, just by being confident, knowing what to say, etc. I had no strong attachment to these people, so I didn't fear their rejection. I ended up staying at the party flirting with two Japanese chicks till the very end; both of whom I'm going to go see Matrix Revolutions with this Wednesday
So, my conclusion, the one-itess tip is more than just getting people to "be players" or rack up lots of chicks. You can find somebody special without getting one-itess. The point is, by keeping yourself from becoming so emotionally attached to one person before you've hooked the person, you put unnecessary pressure on yourself to perform and end up looking like shit.