Thanks for all of the replies
The reason I tipped the board on its side was that when I first got this system a year and a half ago, it wouldnt work at all. For whatever reason (I think I kicked it or something) it was leaning against my desk once when I turned it on and it worked without a hitch. We laughed at it a lot, and this time when we were trying to get it to work my buddy suggested to tip the board on its side and it would fix all the problems (for a joke)... and it worked.
Ive had sooo many problems with this computer it aint fit.
The board was an MSI k7t266a Pro RU. The performance and features of the board was great (8 USB, RAID, Diagnostic LEDs...) but for the life of me I havent seen anything so unpredictable!
The chip was an Athlon XP 1600+. It looks totally fine physically, as do the board.
I went out and bought a ASUS board and a retail Athlon XP 2400+. And no problems so far.
I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the inbetween is mine.