Originally posted by WarWagon
I saw a father start to hit his son repeatedly in a grocery store once, so I grabbed him by his fist, slammed him up against the wall, and neutralized him until the police arrived. The man was arrested, and it turns out he went back to jail and the son was taken into custody by the grandparents who lived out of state.
out of curiousity, was he hitting the kid, or spanking on the ass repeatidly?
Originally posted by sipsake
There are other ways to discipline children. Unfortunately most of them take a little more effort on the parents part than hitting the kids.
Originally posted by Jesus Pimp
I think if you need to result to spanking or hitting, you don't know how to raise your kids.
this is where i think you both are wrong. obviously, not all kids are the same, and some just talking to works... but not all. i was spanked when i was a kid... i'm 24 now, and the last time i was spanked i was probably 4, maybe 5. my dad would put me over his knee, slap my clothed ass a few times, sometimes i would cry, sometimes i wouldn't.
i used to run across busy streets, right though traffic. i did that twice, where he spanked me after the first time, i did it again. he spanked me a second time after he saw me do it again, i NEVER did it again. now, the shit that i tried to pull as a kid that didn't fly with my parents and led to spanking didn't happen again. sometimes it woudl take me more than once to learn it, but i did learn it.
after i was 5 and they stopped spanking me, all the shit that i would get punished for doing (lying, fighting with my brothers, bad mouth, etc), i would get sent to my room, no tv, shit like that. and guess what? it did nothing. i learned that if they punished me, even for 2 weeks stretches of grounding with no tv, i could count on them to eventually give in a let me off. or i'd ride the sentence out. either way, i wasn't afraid of them and knew that they really couldn't do anything to me since they wouldnt' hit me, what did i have to fear?
spanking = good;
abuse = bad;
there's a line, as long as you don't cross it, it's good.
but back to the orignal question, unless it was clear abuse, i'd do nothing about a parent spanking their kid. what's abuse to you and what's abuse to me are two different things, and as long as the child is not being hurt beyond the moment of pain from the spanking, then it's not abuse. if the parent is leaving marks, cutting, brusing, or breaking the bones of the kid, then that's abuse. but... anyways... you get the idea...