I think something that is important to realize is that there are many chronic/permanent & difficult problems that people have that cannot be understood by people who have never experienced them. Suicide is just one of them. So please don't get angry if people don't understand. It does no good.
That said, I have never tried to commit suicide and have rarely thought of doing it. I had a good friend who killed himself in June 2003 for no apparent reason. At first I hated him for depriving us all of his presence. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it's hard to dig oneself out of a situation where you think the whole world sucks, no one cares about you, etc. (I used to believe this but wasn't considering suicide as a solution, FWIW... I guess I wasn't depressed enough.) So I decided that, at least he was hopefully not suffering any more.
So... all I can say is, thanks for believing and pulling yourself through, if you have attempted suicide. The world is better off because you believed.
Things get better. They always do. It's hard not to when you're so low you can only go up.
"There are finer fish in the sea than have ever been caught." -- Irish proverb