do a search for Kurt and Courtney. Plummie and I discussed this a bit back. she said the tape was banned in the US due to Courtney's whining, yet I watched it about four years ago.
what I remember:
the stool 'blocking the door' was about a foot and a half tall. the doorknob was about three feets up. it would be impossible to block the door with the stool
the gun and bullet shells had no finger prints.
if i am not mistaken the angle would be impossible to try.
a drunken weirdo swear she tried to hire him. a bit hard to take seriously: BUT look how shitty the police did their job.
there was also some weird dialogue changed between Kurt and his 'best friend' (who the song Come As You Are was somewhat based on) and it felt Courtney talked to him......
Kurt had told someone he finally would divorce Courtney
i forget what else. check it out if possible.
the cops saw another Janis or Jimmy incident and shut the case ASAP.
fuckin courtney sucks.