No, I would not take advantage of this. There is too much out here, in the land of the living and breathing, that I've yet see and experience.
For those who have been there and done that, or are ready to give up on real life, I am sure having a high-speed internet connection and a thought-to-keyboard mapper will sweeten the deal. Hey, if they could spend their disembodied days learning and creating, I am sure it will be worth it, if there's nothing more to get from real life.
Not to mention the awesome gaming possibilities. I am sure there are people out there who would give their left nut and more to be the ultimate low-ping bastards....
You do not use a Macintosh, instead you use a Tandy
Kompressor break your glowstick, Kompressor eat your candy
Kompressor open jaws, Kompressor release ants
Kompressor watch you scream, Because Kompressor does not dance