Originally posted by Crazy/Beautiful
...Sounds like you should have been paying more attention to your friends than this website
Hey, If I knew I coulda been there to save those poor bastards, you can bet I would have been. Two of them were out of state at college when it happened and the guy last week I hadn't seen in monthes...there was no way to contact him, he had disappeared, then i get to see it on the 11:00 o'clock news. It was absolutely crushing..... I have stopped a person from doing it by the way, and they are eternally grateful for it. I know when a person is super depressed, for me it's kind of obvious. All it took for me to get the guy from killing himself was an open ear. I sat with him for hours, just listening. That's it. He just needed to talk to somebody, he was so down and out, but I managed to snap him out of it. It took some time before he was 100%, but I was there for him. I take a lot of pride in that.
As far as this being a serious thread though, why do you refer to your attempts as "woderfully grotesque stories"? I don't get it.