Originally posted by dimbulb
try googling. Turning on your computers DOES NOT consume a lot of power. Even if it consumed 20 times as much power as usual during startup, and startup takes 1 minute, you will save energy by turning it off for 20 minutes. But of course, it doesn't. So turn it off, or put it in sleep. The old CRTs are probably the biggest users, so if i usually turn my monitor off if i'm leaving for a while.
Oh, the computer is definitely in sleep mode all day. It's still on, though. I have a Mac (no bashing, thanks) and found out that the Mac performs clean-up tasks in the middle of the night, so that's mainly why I leave it on. They do make programs that will do these tasks so you don't leave it on, but again, the computer tends to take a lot of time to start up, so I usually leave it on. Thanks for the links though, even if you had to be a bit snarky about it for some reason. I'm definitely going to experiment and see if the bill goes down.