Yeah, i forgot about how smooth they are. Its something crazy to stomp on the pedal in one of those. Incredibly smooth and they rev very fast. My bro had his apart and we gasket matched the ports, did a throttle body mod to stop the bouncing idle (amongst other things) and opened up the air filter housing to allow air to get in faster. That thing revs to 6grand before i could hit 2k in my jeep. Also, rotaries have a very unique sound. They sound like a turbine at some points, like a weedwacker on ateroids at others. As for reliability, cant remember what i wrote, but if you do the maintenance and keep them in good working order, my experience is that they are very reliable and can last quite some time before needing new apex seals if taken care of well.
Something else very cool about them is if you open up the airflow just a little, they make a very cool *POP* when shifting at high RPMs. It get louder and more cool sounding as you increase airflow even more too. Also, its not too difficult to make them spit flames either. A good intake kit, a little porting and nice open exhaust = cool pop, plus the ability to spew a little flame out the back. Well, i've heard that about the flames, but only seen it once.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.