Originally posted by shakran
Unfortunately, it's not accurate. Time would pass for you, but it would pass at a slower rate than for those of us at more pedestrian speeds.
Are you sure you're right? I'm talking about travelling
at the speed of light (which I appreciate is impossible). The confusion may be where I said "one light minute", which is a unit of
distance, not time.
As you get closer and closer to the speed of light, time slows. If you manage to reach it, it would stop. From your point of view, you'd have experienced no time at all to travel the immense distance. For people outside, as you say, time would have been moving along.
Not that you'd be able to notice the "time stops" aspect - as far as you're concerned, your travel is simply instantaneous - and everyone has strangely aged...
Of course, if you're going at anything less than the speed of light (ie all the
possible speeds) then what you said should hold, time merely passes more slowly for you.