Jesus = dead?
OK.... I heard something rather odd the other day and I thought almost immediately that this would be a perfect place for it. So here goes.
According to where I heard it from, Jesus actually ALREADY CAME for a second time, during a firefight in some war (I don't remember which) but was killed upon appearence by artillery. The source (a friend of mine) said that soldiers in that battle remember seeing a bright flash for a split second that disappeared, but nothing that a mine or shell would produce. Also he said that when Jesus returned to Heaven, he told God that it was time to give up on our race if this was what we had degenerated to. Since then, we've been in constant decline.
Odd, I know. My personal opinion: it's complete bullshit. Makes no sense whatsoever. I don't know, maybe someone else has heard about this? Maybe someone can give something valid to back this up? Just in my opinion it's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
Your arms are broken!