Opening Credits: Glassjaw - Ry Ry's Song
Average-day scene: Deep Purple - Lazy
Best-friend scene: 1080 - House Next Door
First-date scene: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dosed
Crush scene: Smashing Pumpkins - Today
Falling-in-love scene: Blindside - Silence
Sex scene: The Cure - A Forest
Morning-after scene: The Mars Volta - Televators
Fight-with-friend scene: Glassjaw - When One Eight Becomes Two Zeroes
Break-up scene: Bright Eyes - Lover I Don't Have to Love
Miserable-without-each-other scene: Finch - Letters to You
Get-back-together scene: Deftones - Digital Bath
Wedding scene: Radiohead - High and Dry
Long-night-alone scene: Modest Mouse - Dramamine
Heartbreak scene: Glassjaw - Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence
Mental-breakdown scene: Snapcase - She Suffocates
Driving-at-night scene: Hopesfall - Escape Pods for Intangibles
Driving-during-the-day scene: Queens of the Stone Age - Millionaire
Deep-thought scene: Air - Sexy Boy
Regret scene: The Apex Theory - Trust Ease
"Life's okay" scene: Desparecidos - Manana
Party at house scene: Snapcase - Typecast Modulator
Feeling Mischevious scene: Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy
Happy dance scene: Complexities - Super Happy Funtime
Flashback scene: The White Stripes - I Can't Wait
Closing credits: Radiohead - Bullet Proof (i wish i was)
Your arms are broken!