Originally posted by seretogis
I'm sorry, but that is a ridiculous argument. Would you also be willing to suggest that only people over the age of 65 should be able to have an opinion on Medicare? Perhaps only rich white males in their fifties should be the only ones allowed to make policy at all? Welcome to America -- even though I won't benefit from such a .. "procedure" .. I can still speak my mind about what I think of it, and rail to stop its abuse. Instead of suggesting such a thing, perhaps you could educate the rest of us as to how it can be justified?
What are you even talking about? Of course you can have an opinion on the subject, but you shouldn't be able to take away my right to choose just because you don't happen to agree with it. And I think that rich fifty year old white men are exactly the wrong people to make many poilcies. Maybe if you tried to understand what I was saying instead of going off on a tanget, you would make more sense.
The last I checked, an abortion affects more than just the mother. Because of this, it is not a decision that should be left solely up to the mother.
I didn't say that the decsion should be left solely up to the mother. In fact, I think that the choice should, in most cases, never be the mother's alone. All I'm saying is that the option for abortion should be available.
I can assure you that this is not the case in every situation. Two friends of mine have had abortions without even telling the father that they were pregnant -- that, to me, is incredibly deceitful.
Didn't I that every situation is different? I agree that what they did was wrong. That was my way of saying that the "a woman carries the baby, therefore the woman has the sole right to decide" agruement is crap.
I'm probably reading this wrong, but that sounded incredibly selfish to me. You're glad that the child is gone, rather than that the child may have been making some other -- grateful -- family happy? What?
I don't think it's selfish at all. If I had of given my child up for adoption I couldn't be assured of it's welfare. How do you know that he/she would have gone to a loving home?
I really don't see how you can suggest that "if you haven't done it, you have NO right to dictate what the choice should be" and then claim to respect others opinions. You can't have it both ways.
No, your opinion I can respect, you telling me what my opinion should be is another matter. You can disagree with me all day, but when you try to tell me how I should live my life because of what you think is right...that's what I have the problem with.