Is it possible for a CPU to screw up a board?
It all started when I bought a system at a computer store (which went out of business within a month or so). The system would be fine for months, then it wouldnt boot, then it would ok for a while. Anyways, last week I was formatting a friends computer, and took mine apart to put in her hard drive (her computer wouldnt boot off cd-rom or disk.... but thats a whole different story altogether haha). Anyways after putting mine back together it would do nothing. Obviously it has nothing to do with her hard drive, but I hardly ever turn off my computer because Im afraid it wouldnt start back up. Once the thing was on, it was always fine, but it would have problems starting up.
After playing with it all last week to no avail, I bought a new board. Brought it home, hooked it up... nothing, was the board DOA? or did one of my parts screw it over?
Then, I brought my partsto a friends house. We tried my RAM, Video, chip and powersupply in his. And all worked fine. We put his chip in my board, and nothing, until we tipped it on its side slightly, and it would boot. How crazy is that? We put his system back together, and nothing. Now HIS system wont boot. We noticed a capacitator on his board was swollen, extreme coincidence? I have no idea.
Anyways I got so frustrated with the whole thing, and I finally went out and bought a new board and chip.
The thing is... my Girlfriend wants to upgrade her computer, and Im thinking about putting my old chip in her board... but I cant afford to blow up her board.
Does anyone think that the problem is the chip?
Thanx in advance.
I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the inbetween is mine.