from mojo pei_pei
Most people aren't anti-gay, but do you fault them if they don't agree with it? I forsure as hell know I don't like seeing men kiss on tv.
So your saying the content of the media actually has more to do with what the viewers will accept than any kind of unstated political motivation? I agree. I think the media is a reflection of the people who watch it. Whichever way you think the media leans, you have to acknowledge that it couldn't lean that way if enough people didn't want it to. Why would people watch something if they believed it was actively working against their goals? So if america is moving to the right, as the results of recent elections seem to indicate, how is it that the "liberal media" isn't being made to suffer for it's(according to you) 80% liberal bias rate?
I suppose that America is racist to because UPN has piss poor ratings because it is main stream BET.
Many people in america are racist, you're right on that one. I fail to see how that relates to what i said. Perhaps you could elaborate on that comparison.
I agree that every president takes heat, and that it is basically the media's job to do such. Like I said earlier, alot of the stuff you see (or at least as I view it) you'd think Bush was ushering in the apoclypse.
I've certainly seen that idea expressed in the media, but i would argue that the people expressing it are in the minority. I also think there has been just as much, in fact considerably more pro-bush, pro-war information coming from the mainstream media. In fact, there was a point immediately after 9/11 where, as far as anyone in the manstream media was concerned, the president shit roses. He was untouchable. On 9/10 the president was lacking in intelligence(the I.Q. kind) even by the admission of some of his own party. Then 9/11 and suddenly the president is a brilliant leader, and untouchable. It's only been since iraq has become somewhat tenuous that being critical of the president is acceptable again.
Liberal bias exists just as conservative bias exists, but both are completely blown out of proportion.