Originally posted by filtherton
So, what's the problem? The "liberal" media is obviously having no effect. The sky isn't falling, it isn't a problem.
I think there are just as many examples off conservative values reflected in the media, you just don't notice them because you are only looking for liberal bias. See how many gay couples you see in prime time. Count how many man on man kisses you see in television, are they as frequent as heterosexual kisses? Have you even seen one? Give me some concrete examples of liberal bias. If there is as much as you say there is you should just be able to turn on your t.v. and then type exactly what you are seeing.
Most people aren't anti-gay, but do you fault them if they don't agree with it? I forsure as hell know I don't like seeing men kiss on tv. I suppose that America is racist to because UPN has piss poor ratings because it is main stream BET.
Clinton took heaps of heat from the media. All presidents take heat from the media, that is what the media does. If jesus were president he would take heaps of criticism from the media. People would complain about him spending to much time tending to the needs of the sick and the poor and ignoring the military's budget needs. Quit pretending that media bias is the only reason bush takes heat.
I agree that every president takes heat, and that it is basically the media's job to do such. Like I said earlier, alot of the stuff you see (or at least as I view it) you'd think Bush was ushering in the apoclypse.