Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I'd say 80% of the time I see something about Bush on TV it is negative, could be that I live in one of the more "liberal" states.
So, what's the problem? The "liberal" media is obviously having no effect. The sky isn't falling, it isn't a problem.
I think there are just as many examples off conservative values reflected in the media, you just don't notice them because you are only looking for liberal bias. See how many gay couples you see in prime time. Count how many man on man kisses you see in television, are they as frequent as heterosexual kisses? Have you even seen one? Give me some concrete examples of liberal bias. If there is as much as you say there is you should just be able to turn on your t.v. and then type exactly what you are seeing.
Here's an example against the idea of a media going out of its way to playahate on the president:
How long did it take the CIA agent white house leak story to make a major news source? I read about it on tfp at least a week before i heard anything about it on any major news outlet. That isn't really consistent with your apparent opinion that the media is just waiting to jump on any excuse to criticise the president. Why would the media wait a week to report en masse some credible negative info on bush if they were so biased and eager to smear him?
If you don't think Bush takes heat from the media, well.... you must be living on the moon, in a cave with your eyes closed and your ears plugged. So do you live in a cave on the moon? Oh really, how convienent.
Clinton took heaps of heat from the media. All presidents take heat from the media, that is what the media does. If jesus were president he would take heaps of criticism from the media. People would complain about him spending to much time tending to the needs of the sick and the poor and ignoring the military's budget needs. Quit pretending that media bias is the only reason bush takes heat.