I think the belief in a god is very similar to the belief in a unified theory.
How much faith does it require to believe that there is a unified theory to be discovered? How much faith does it require to ignore the fact that some of the laws of physics as we know them completely contradict other laws? Science has gotten us this far, and it explains many things very well but at this point it doesn't seem to be fulfilling the purpose of explaining everything with consistency. I think the faith that one day science will explain away all mystery, or even that science is capable of explaining everything is very similar to the faith that the religious have when they think everything can be explained by a god. When it boils down to it, science and christianity have both failed to provide any sure evidence of what exists beyond what we can know.
I don't care what you believe, just don't pretend that you have any definative answers, because everything is based on faith.