Originally posted by eple
Yes, I get that you are unable to debate without slandering and offending people.
Now you didn't really answer me either. Why did you mention these extreme groups? What had they to do with anything here, did they start a forest fire? As I see it, you made an unneccecary and offending comment, and I think you could be much better off just debating without resorting to that kind of retardedness. I respect your opinions, and will gladly discuss if I feel I have anything to contribute, but I get pretty fed up with this kind of stupid bs.
Thats great but you don't understand American politics.
With the environment it IS the extreme groups that matter. A simple lawsuit filed by one person can stop a forest project such as a controlled burn or thinning. Its not like these are some nuts who can't do anything, they can be an impediment. I've tried to deal with these people and stand by my opinion of them. Its not slander is a sad truth.
These wacky fringe groups tend to vote for the Democratic party in this country and as such the democrats cater to them. In the 2000 election many of them switched over to the green party, which is a reason why Gore lost the election, (hence the pandering). It is amusing watching the Green Party try to avoid blame for it, they have their own explanation of it on the Green Party website.