Rad! Are you still working on that Necro? Mine is at 25 now and we're finally in Act 4.
Regarding my theory on making cow levels: I joined a public game in Hell and someone was able to make a Hell cow level, so I don't know what it was that prevented me from using the recipe to open a portal (unless they changed the recipe). I'm pretty sure I haven't received credit for killing the Cow King.
You know it's funny. I use to toss all the low level set and unique items, but now I get all excited when a monster drops a Deathspade Axe or something.
There's some synergistic bonuses in skill sets now. I haven't figured out what skills to use as my main attack yet, but I can't wait until I can use my fire golem.
There is this really cool thing that happens with certain expansion sets that make your character glow like an Amazon's Valkyrie. So far it works with full IK's, full M'avina's, full Aldur's, and full Tal Rasha's. With full Trang Oul's set, my Necromancer changes shape completely, and runs at what look like two or three times as fast as normal.
I still don't get the secret to releasing the Diablo Clone. Maybe after I've defeated normal...