we don't play many games really. i always think too it might be because we don't live together, so we don't have oppritunity for a lot of things. as far as strip games though, you can get truth or dare jenga now. you know, you take a block from the bottom and you put it on top...anyways, they have red blocks in it with lame dares on them, and green blocks with lame truths on them. then they have blank ones. my friends and i one time decided to write rules on them. i.e.-no saying names, no pointing, no swearing. the rule would be activated when someone pulled the block out. and for every broken rule we had to take off an article of clothing. it would be really funny, cause you'd see someone break a rule and get excited and yell "joe just said jill's name" and point and there was three articles of clothing. but i guess that's more of a group game. i don't know, you could try it with just two.
"When I look down I just miss all the good stuff. And when I look up I just trip over things"