Krazixs moves to look at their fallen companion's final resting place. It would seem that this place was rightly named for a tomb. Pass next to their new companion the small elf senses power much like the rest of the party. This place seems to have drawn a variety of people and the addition of another was most welcome. Sitting down next to the mind mage, Krazixs tries to decide how best to talk to bring up the subject racing around his mind.
"That's two we've lost now." The elf says to Vinoh, " At least there's still hope for the father, he was found missing up in the tower."
Looking at Vinoh, Krazixs taps his mind, "Vinoh I need to talk to you, in here"
The Kender in your party has just screamed in fear. Please roll a d20 to see how many of your body parts are still identifiable.
Last edited by krazixs; 10-30-2003 at 07:47 AM..