It depends on the stage of dating and who gets "hooked" first.
In the initial meeting phase it's *usually* the female who controls the progress of the relationship.
After agreeing to the date, the male *usually* controls the locations/activities but it's still the female that *usually* controls the progress towards intimacy.
Once a certain level of intimacy is achieved, the control *usually* shifts to the person who is less attached. If the guy falls head over heels for the girl at this stage, it's the girl who controls it. If the opposite is true, it's the guy that's in control.
In many cases after the relationship progresses to the intimate level, the next steps are towards a more committed relationship. I find that women are *usually* quicker to advance through this level and the men drag their feet at this stage.
In the end, it's the partner who is slower in their progression forward that controls the situation the most.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.