I'd like to preface my comments with this:
As expected, we have refrained from mass flaming thus far. Good for us. Especially with such a touchy subject.
I have also been reminded how few people really know anything about this country's history.
Blacks deserve reparations. That doesn't mean they are a good idea.
I've written volumes on why I feel this in v3.0, and I'm afraid I'm not retyping them all.
To sum:
Blacks continue to suffer an inequality today because of the damage done during slavery.
Reparations could, but ultimately would not, eliminate the gap created by inherited wealth. (the term "inherited wealth" means far more than inheriting money)
This country is FAR from admitting what it did during slavery. In fact, very few people have any notion of what slavery was. As time passes the brutality has faded. The schoolbooks tell of kindly slave owners who sometimes had to discipline their loyal, but ignorant, pets. The common memory only has a vague, Disney-fied idea of slavery. Thus, reparations would not be understood, welcomed, or supported. Race relations would reach new heights of violence if such an idea were shoved down onto a populace that did not wholly support it.
If the vast majority understood why reparations are deserved, there would truly be no need. Why? I believe if so many were that enlightened, then human society, even the human spirit, would have been raised to heights heretofore unreached.
The civil war was not fought to free the slaves. Slaves and freedom were politically expedient rallying points.
Don't ever believe the fairy tale you were told in school.
Power was the reason for the civil war. The north was gaining it, and the south didn't want to lose it.
There is still a huge rift between black America, and the rest of America. Reparations may be deserved, but they'd do nothing to narrow that gap.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."