spare a thought for my friend
there is nothing worse than losing a family member at any time, letalone withunder 12hours before our final highschool exams start.
my friend, a great fellow, only 17, has hard it tough for as long as ive known him. lost his mother due to breast cancer at the start of the year which he's still not coping well with. raised his little girl with his girlfriend for the past two, kept a roof over their heads whilist working a part time job, and managed to maintain a B+ average across his final year of highschool of maths and science based subjects. he's had a shit of a run this week of study vacation, his grandfather suffering 4 heart attacks in 3 days. he's been overloaded with stress of upcoming exams, this pushed him over the edge.
unfortunately, his grandfather passed away today. just spoke to him on the phone, he's an absolute mess, cannot concentrate at all. i dont know what to do to be there for him tomorrow before the exam, apart from giving him moral support.
i ask of you, fellow tfp'ers, to give a moments thought to him, to wish him the best of luck and to have the strength to get through this very tough stretch of his life. i have unbelievable amounts of respect for him, and would hate to see him miss out on his goal of studying engineering next year due to this very unfortunate event. thank you.