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Old 10-29-2003, 09:34 PM   #63 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
K-Wise's Avatar
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Originally posted by Crazy/Beautiful
You sound like you are assuming this is how rape happens alot of the time. Don't juge people based on what you don't know. I think children should be placed up for adoption if the victim is raped, but you seem to be trivilizing the rape. You are giving women a double standard and no women ever asks to be raped. It's fucked up that you turn the blame on the victim rather than the rapist! Women should have the right to go to parties and get fucked up, instead of having to worry about some sick bastard taking advanatge of them! This kind of thinking pattern is what discourages women from telling others they have been raped, they think it is their fault and it's not! Whatever the circumstances are does not give anybody the right to take advantage of anybody else! Because rape happens to boys too. I just think you should rethink your comments, I take them very personally.
No I'm not assuming anything. That IS how rape happens alot of the time. It's fact...statistical. So I'm not "judging" anyone based on what I "don't" know but what I do know. Of course no one asks to be raped why would they? But if they put themselves in a possibly questionable situation they shouldn't be surprized if something happens. Thats fact....trying to shield this fact with compassion and "you don't know what you're talking about, how they feel, blah blah blah" doesn't help the situation at all. What I'm saying is more beneficial than saying "It's okay you went and got completely were you supposed to know a perve was a party....with beer" It's drunk guys and drunk girls and both parties do a lot of stupid things they regret. Thats like the guy driving drunk afterwards and killing and innocent person walking on the side walk Women should have the right to go to parties and get fucked up, instead of having to worry about some sick bastard taking advanatge of them! Theres a little something called reality....have you met it? It's not whether or not they should have the right...they do have the right...and thats why they have to accept a mistake if one was made. Just because they have the right doesn't mean it couldn't happen. I should be able to walk through Crip territory wearing my favorite red shirt without getting shot but I think of every possibility before I go putting my life in danger and realize hey maybe it's not worth it. If she goes and gets completely drunk it's partially her fault as aweful as the situation may be it have to learn to accept that. She didn't have to drink herself to unconsciousness....she didn't even have to go to a party.....You don't expect some sicko to be there that may take advantage of you and you should. They can drink at home (unless they still live with their parents in which case they have no business drinking in the first place) and they can have a few friends over....friends they can trust. I know plenty a guys and girls who go out and have a good time but they do it with a shred of responsibility. They look out for each other. Drinking and drunk are 2 completely different can tell when yer gonna get drunk there isn't a single frequent drinker who doesn't know his/her limits. They can also take a friend with them to watch out for them just in case some asshole decides to slip them a mickey or something. I know I watch out for my friends whenever we go to parties and if I see some asshole slip something into my friends drink I'm gonna dump it over his head and get him kicked the fuck outta the place. I know you take the comments personally and maybe thats because deep down you know it was a stupid thing you just don't have the heart to tell them....Who does? I know I would have a pretty hard ass time myself but I know deep down it was stupid and I accept that and if it will benefit them in the future I'll remind them to be more careful (not place the blame on them) and keep my eye on them when I can. All you're doing is making excuses for the stupid things we choose to do. You aren't helping anything by doing that and you're never going to help anything by doing that. I mean you say I'm taking the blame off the rapist but is that really what I'm doing? No it's not I'm putting the responsibility in the person who could be victimized again so that they take a little more care next time and the asshole doesn't have someone else to rape. Every single last one of you says the same thing but if ya stay home and lock your door your chances of getting raped by someone you don't know are almost zero....if you do decide to go out but you don't drink and don't go off into a room with some guy/girl you don't know your chances of getting raped are also slightly lower.....if you do decide to drink but not to the point where you become drunk there is a chance someone could slip you something but the chances are still not as if you do get drunk to the point where if you know you keep drinking you're unsure what could happen and you still drink anyway the possibilities are a LOT fucking higher wouldn't you agree? We all gotta grow up sometime ya know. It's a fucked up world we live in and we can't always place the blame on everyone else if we know something could happen and we chance it anyway. When we all have kids of our own we're all gonna think a lot differently about this. Would you want your daughter going off to a party to go and get drunk just so she could have a good time? Or would you worry that some sicko might rape her? You would worry for her because you know that could happen because that is reality that is the sad truth that is what we all come to accept. People expect stupid things to happen when you gather a bunch of drunken people into one room it's common sense. It's not like other misfortunes people face like going to withdraw money and the place being robbed or a kid shooting all his classmates. I think you should stop arguing with me and think about what I'm saying. You know there is a lot of truth to what I'm saying even if you won't admit it. If my arguments were completely misguided I wouldn't have people agreeing with me. The only people who don't are the people that don't want to have to give up the luxery of correcting a mistake by killing it off or people who want to still go out and get drunk and do irresponsible things and not wannat take responsibility for them later. Stop making excuses for everyone and make solutions. Please don't bother PM'ing me about this either cause I'm just gonna tell you the same thing I told you here.

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
K-Wise is offline  

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