My first degree was in Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution, yes thats a total Tree Hugger degree.
Global warming based on HUMAN causes has always been a farce. The evidence is not there. None of the global warming models fit each other, none would work to predict the present with past data, and all made assumptions about unknowns. A meteorologist can't get the forecast right for more then a few days yet somehow they would know the trend for the next 100 years. A single volcanic eruption puts more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere then we humans can dream of. You hear on the news that 90% of the scientists believe that global warming is occurring and the like, but they never separate human/natural causes and they don't mention that a 'scientist' is a general term. Its not only geologists or meteorologists or the like, its EVERYONE with a MS degree in some subject, be it biology or political science. Sadly a lot of politics and careers are based on global warming being a human cause, plus the anti-technology people are quick to latch onto anything which would slow growth. You may also remember the global cooling scare of the late 70's and how we were all going to be starving by the 1990's.
Global warming MAY be happening, but its a natural cycle. Ocean levels used to be higher in the 1800's then they are currently, and a cyclical nature of the average temp has been noted for the last 13k years.
Before then we had HUGE swings in temperature, and we have been very lucky so far and is based on ocean currents. It’s a bit too deep to get into here.
I think the key with global warming is that its being used as an excuse to lower pollution (which is good) and slow technologic progress and economic development (which is bad). You have to understand that most environmentalists think people are stupid and are the real problem in the world. They will be happy to lie about problems in order to get anyone on their side. They tried it with the deforestation of the Amazon (which is bad) by claiming that we would run out of oxygen. Well most of the oxygen in the world is produced in the seas, the Amazon could be a desert and we would still be able to breath just fine. The real reason that deforestation is bad is because the soil there is poor, the erosion is very pronounced, and the loss of biodiversity is a tragedy. That doesn't get headlines though. Another personal example I found was earth day 1990 (I think) at UoIllinois. It was an anti nuclear power display and had nuclear power as a source of CO2. I pointed out that CO2 wasn't produced in nuclear power production, but they didn't want to hear it.
One of my more touching moments with environmentalists was taking a grad level class on water pollution. The professor was late so we were all chatting, and several stated the best way to solve the 'earth's' problem was a virus that would kill 2/3rds of the people off. Lovely.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host
Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.
Last edited by Ustwo; 10-29-2003 at 11:25 AM..