Originally posted by EleqTrizi'T
I'd didn't really know what to title this..
I have three different sets of excersizes while lifting, each for a different day...
Push - triceps, chest
Pull - biceps, back
I do Monday, Thursday push
Tues, Thurs pull
Wed legs
Sat aerobics
I've done good with this program. I've lost 50 lbs myself, and even more bodyfat (from 37% to 23%)
But I find that my muscles hurt longer with the heavier weights. Pointed example - my biceps hurt for 4-5 days, and if I try to lift again on my normal schedule, the muscles on the side of my forearm howl in pain. I mean, it hurts pretty bad.
So, I was thinking of just doing each set of excersizes once a week instead of two, because my pain is obviously fatigue related.
Does anyone else lifting just once a week per muscle? Does it work out for you?
You are overtraining your muscles. Your muscles require (at the minimum) 48 hours to rest and repair. Not only is training them more then once a week overkill, but it is very hard on your CNS as well. This is why most people train each muscle group once a week. Try adding more exercises to your workout and start doing them split up in more then 2 days. Where is your shoulder/trap workout? Remember, when lifting weights, also make sure to keep the workouts to an hour or less....after that there is a significant hormone decrease and you will not be able to lift enough and are prone to injury. I also encourage you to go to your local health store and purchase some glutamine. It aids in muscle recovery and decreases that "soreness" time.
Example, here is my current split that I am doing this month:
I do 3 different exercises per muscle with 3 sets (till exhaust) and 1 superset at the end.
Mon: Chest/Triceps
Tues: Cardio Day Only
Wednesday: Biceps/Back/Forearms
Thursday: Cardio Day Only
Friday: Shoulders/Traps/Cardio
Saturday: Legs (quad, hams, calves)/ Cardio
Sunday: Rest Day (sometimes I will do cardio if I drank or ate bad over the weekend)