It remains to be seen whether the McKitrick and McIntyre study will withstand the ''outside scrutiny'' they have asked for and will no doubt receive. But given the implications of the errors and problems they apparently have unearthed within the Mann study, the two researchers have done a tremendous service to science and the public, which should rely on facts to make informed public policy decisions.
I think this really says it all. It amazes me that science still isn't on the same page with global warming. Politics have gotten way to involved and the data is no longer questioned, or if it is its considered a political move. Even if humans are not responsible for global warming entirely, I don't think that pollution in general is an imagined problem. I think the money is well-spent to keep things a little tidier, but there has to be a reasonable balance. Global warming really doesn't frighten me, I believe technology will help us adapt slowly but surely towards a more "green" society.