Oh, and I just thought I'd add, for all the "I don't understand why you do that to yourself" and "drugs are stupid" crowd- not everyone smokes just to feel high.
For me personally, I usually smoke to help my anxiety. I've been plagued with horrible anxiety attacks since I was as young as I can remember. They last for days, sometimes a whole week or two. If you've ever experienced anxiety, you know what it's like... but have you ever had it for 2 weeks, where you go to bed with it and it's there in the morning waiting for you when you wake up? I've been on every anti-anxiety medication available over the course of my life, and the only ones that work (and they BARELY work, I might add) make me feel so totally disconnected from myself and reality i'm barely functional, like a vegetable.
If I smoke and get high, the anxiety goes away, and stays away, even after the high is gone. Can you put your judgements on that? On my happy daily life? Just a point to ponder, I'm not trying to preach.