Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
Beating and spanking are two different things.
I was spanked as a child.
I deserved it when it happened. It made me a better person and I love and respect my parents because, not despite, of it.
And I shall willingly discipline, up to and including spanking, my own children.
Mr Mephisto
i absolutely agree with you here.
i was spanked as a kid, and i know i deserved it.
and iīll spank my kids (when i have them) if they deserve it. as long as they know and understand why.
i donīt think iīve ever seen someone really beat their child in public. so i donīt realy know what iīd do.
if i do see someone going too far with their child, then i assume that iīll be outraged. would i stick my nose into their business, i doubt it - since i just donīt know the background.