Thread: 24: Day 3
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Old 10-28-2003, 07:53 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: West Lafayette, IN
24 Day 3: 1pm - 2pm

I just got finished watching the season premiere of 24, and it was damn good. It was presented commercial free again this year, and I am glad Ford actually put some effort into their commercial this year. I actually watched it this time since it had a plot. If you remember last year, it was just that lame Toby Keith commercial.

The plotline is what I had read: PNP will be released in Los Angeles if Ramon Salizar isn't release from prison in the next six hours. Salizar was put into jail by Jack who spent a year undercover in Mexico. Ramon talked about things Jack was put through down there, and we found out that one thing was that he now has an addiction to heroine eating at him. I think this is going to be an excellent addition to the plotline because we will be able to see Bauer's struggles with craving. The scene at the end with him throwing his junkie kit across the room was intense. The other moment I enjoyed was when we found out that Kate Warner and Jack have just broken up and are separating their stuff. Apparently Jack broke it off with her, so I hope we find out a reason behind it. I can only assume it has to do with his erratic behavior because of all the heroine stuff.

President Palmer is planning a debate at USC, and we get an idea of how his brother is right off the top when he announces he fired someone important to the President's staff. There is obvious tension between him and the president's Doctor/Girlfriend that I am sure we will see unfold as well.

I am not too sure how I feel about Chase yet. I don't think his character has had enough time to really develop in the first hour. He just seemed to be in the background for the most part when it came to actual CTU actions. I really don't care about his relationship with Kim at this point. It should also be noted that I am not too big on that new haircut of hers. I guess I just think that Kim shouldn't even be involved in the season. Putting her in at CTU just doesn't really add that much I don't think. Let her sit at home and get bitten by cougars or something.

All in all I am very excited for this season. I think a subplot is going to develop again with the President and his staff as well as one with Michelle and Tony (It is weird hearing him call her sweetheart!). Tony might move to Langley, and the fact that Michelle won't have a job out there might cause some kind of tension as Tony decides whether or not the job is worth it.

7 days until the next episode. If you watched this week, what did you think of it?
Take notice. Take interest. Take me with you.
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