It is truly baffling, even as a rock musician, that anybody could so confidently state that "rap sucks." You say the lyrics of eminem and ludacris suck because you probably feel they follow the same themes over and over (i.e. guns, booty, cash), but can you honestly name any rock musicians who don't tread outside of the same introverted themes, such as the the "distant" love, heartbreak, the oppresive other etc. And as a musician you have no idea how aggravating it is to here rock "music" (not talking about lyrics) that don't follow the literally the exact same structure, melody, and groove as fourty othersongs I have heard before it. Jesus christ, if I had the option of listening to modern rock, and being able to accurately predict what word the singer will rhyme with the following word (especially since the subject matter is so fucking repetitive), and listning to rap, which although may be treading over similar themes but doing them with innovative wordplay, I would obviously choose rap. I'm sorry mate but their are two kinds of music in this world..."good" music and "bad" music and they can be found in all genres.
"Hundreds of men must have told you how beautiful you are. Would you displease the gods to hear it once more? I wouldn't. Im young and I hope to see a god before I die."
-Patera Silk